Matcha is throwing a party at the café, but the there's still so much to be done, and the turbo twins, Mocha and Latte, those devious little devils, are trying to snatch the cake before the party starts! Help Matcha blow up the balloons, hang up decorations, call the band, clean the tables, and set up drinks for all the guests, while keeping the twins at bay!

Post-jam patch 1.0.2:

– Fixed one garland gauge filling like, WAAAAY faster than intended (thanks Eris)
– Restored twins allowance to $15 per month (they've been nice)

Post-jam patch 1.0.1:

– Fixed table-setting task breaking by getting too many drinks
– Actually made the game-winning sfx play properly on game win
– Reduced file size by not using wavs for audio (this was mildly cringe)
– Increased garland task gauge fill rate by ~50% for no good reason
– Reduced twins allowance to $10 per month (was $15)


Walk around using WASD
Start tasks with spacebar
Exit tasks with shift or X
Use the mouse to press buttons, such as those in the main menu or the phone buttons
Use spacebar to shoo away the twins when they start approaching the cake! If they're near the cake, the cake's safety will diminish! If it runs out, you lose!

Task help
Blow up balloons by holding spacebar until the balloon is perfectly full! Don't release too late or too early!
Hang up garlands by pressing spacebar when the cursor is in the highlighted area twice in succession!
Clean tables by pressing the buttons on screen! Press spacebar to interact with the drinks in the kitchen to pick them up, and with a clean table to put down drinks!
Check the band's phone number written on the note near the music stage, then dial them with the phone behind the counter!

Evie – Art, design, programming
Jooni – Code spaghetti, some UI, various manner of noise
Charlie Parker – Billie's Bounce lol

Updated 9 days ago
AuthorsJooni, Evie
Made withGodot


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this is really fun!! really emulates the panic of managing kids lmao

got stuck looking at the number, creative little game I like it so far

Nevermind its Shift

Lovely game!